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Arkitektur: Arkitekturguider

Guider til svensk arkitektur

Guide till Sveriges arkitektur. Byggnadskonst under 1000 år af Rasmus Wærn (red.), Arkitektur Förlag AB, 2001

Omslag Guide till svensk landskapsarkitektur

Guide till svensk landskapsarkitektur - Dan Hallemar (red.), Arkitektur Forlag, 2013

The Compl Guide to A in Sthlm

The complete guide to Architecture in Stockholm af Olof Hultin (red.), Arkitektur Förlag, 2009

Guide till Gbg arkitektur

Guide till Göteborgs arkitektur af Claes Caldenby (red.), Arkitektur Förlag, 2006


Arkitekturguide Skåne 1900-talet af Carin Johanson (red.), Byggförlaget, 2000


Arkitekturguide Malmö

Malmös Kommunes arkitekturguide med bygningsbeskrivelser og billeder. Guiden dækker byggerier fra 1500 og frem til i dag.

Brownbook - an urban guide to the Middle East

Brownbook is a bimonthly magazine that acts as an urban guide to the Middle East and North Africa. The magazine has endured a decade within its field, researching hundreds of cities in the region and Arab diasporas around the world. Over the ten years of publishing, the magazine in its own pace has gone through radical editorial and design changes, but maintained its stand first as an observer of the region’s urban evolution. The magazine focuses on three main genres; Interviews, Architecture & Cities.

Brownbook also publishes collaborative books with regional institutions and produces film series hosted on brownbook.tv and other platforms.

Guider fra DOM Publishers

DOM Publishers udgiver en serie af arkitekturguider på engelsk og tysk. Guiderne omhandler både byer og lande. Her er et  udvalg:





Guide til arkitektur i Köln

Billedresultat for architekturführer köln

Guide til ny arkitektur i Schweiz

Billedresultat for schweizer bau dokumentation

Schweizerbau Dokumentation indeholder billeder, projektbeskrivelser og plan og snit af moderne arkitektur i Schweiz.

Arkitekturguide Nordnorge


The Architecture Guide contains information about buildings and landscape works located in the Norwegian counties Nordland, Troms, Finnmark and on Svalbard. Architecture in these regions has been created since the Middle Ages until present-day. However, this project documents buildings that are currently standing today. The various buildings in this guide represent a long span of time, yet naturally the number of recent buildings outnumbers the older ones. An object in the Architecture Guide can be a single building, or an environment comprising a number of buildings. Tromsdalen church is an example of a single building, while Sjøgata in Mosjøen is an example of an environment.

Guider til arkitektur på de Britiske Øer

Pevsner Architectural Guides udgives af Yale University Press. Det er en serie af guider som arkitekturen i Irland, Wales, Skotland og England. Hvert bind indeholder et indledende overblik over arkitekturen i området, efterfulgt af et beskrivende. Biblioteket har allerede nogle titler til udlån, men vi køber gerne flere når behovet opstår.  Kontakt os på bibliotek@kadk.dk hvis du har forslag. En komplet liste over deres udgivelser kan ses her.

The Pevsner Architectural Guides, were begun in 1951 by the architectural historian Sir Nikolaus Pevsner (1902-83) with the aim of providing an up-to-date portable guide to the most significant buildings in every part of the country, suitable for both general reader and specialist. The success of the volumes covering The Buildings of England led to the extension of the series to Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Each volume provides an introductory overview of the architecture of the area, followed by a descriptive gazetteer arranged alphabetically by place. Whilst cathedrals and their furnishings, great country houses and their parks form the grand set pieces, the books demonstrate the enjoyable diversity of architecture in the British Isles in accounts of rural churches and farmsteads, Victorian public buildings and industrial monuments. - See more at: http://yalebooks.co.uk/pevsner.asp#sthash.ZN3XQF9t.dpuf
The Pevsner Architectural Guides, were begun in 1951 by the architectural historian Sir Nikolaus Pevsner (1902-83) with the aim of providing an up-to-date portable guide to the most significant buildings in every part of the country, suitable for both general reader and specialist. The success of the volumes covering The Buildings of England led to the extension of the series to Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Each volume provides an introductory overview of the architecture of the area, followed by a descriptive gazetteer arranged alphabetically by place. Whilst cathedrals and their furnishings, great country houses and their parks form the grand set pieces, the books demonstrate the enjoyable diversity of architecture in the British Isles in accounts of rural churches and farmsteads, Victorian public buildings and industrial monuments. - See more at: http://yalebooks.co.uk/pevsner.asp#sthash.ZN3XQF9t.dpuf
Pevsner Architectural Guides

Guider til tyske byer

Det tyske forlag Dietrich Reimer Verlag udgiver en serie af arkitekturguider til tyske byer og områder. Den komplette liste kan ses her. Herunder en bibliotekets nuværende udvalg, men hvis der er nogle du synes vi mangler så kontakt os på bibliotek@kadk.dk.