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Citationer og litteraturliste

Hvad er Zotero

Zotero er et referencehåndteringsværktøj, du kan bruge, når du skal lave referencer i Word eller et andet tekstbehandlingsprogram. Du indsamler og håndterer dine referencer i dit eget bibliotek, så de er lige ved hånden, når du får brug for at sætte referencer ind i teksten og lave en litteraturliste. Biblioteket supporterer og holder kurser i Zotero.

Get started with Zotero

  1. Download Zotero and the import-connector to your choice of browser from: www.zotero.org/download
  2. Create a profile using your Academy-email to get unlimited cloud storage at: www.zotero.org/user/register
  3. Open Settings i Zotero and change the following:
  • Under General choose English (the Danish translation is flawed)
  • And under Item pane header choose Bibliographic entry and your preferred style

  • Under Sync log in with your Zotereo account

  • Under Cite turn on Use classic Add Citation dialog

Working with Zotero and Word

Warning: Cloud services can damage your Word files!

Make sure that the Word files you are using together with Zotero is stored on your hard drive, and not in OneDrive, Dropbox or iCloud, since this can cause your files get corrupted and you look your work.

Backing up the files to a cloud is okay, but not when you are working on them with Word and Zotero open at the same time.

Your Zotero library should also be stored on your hard drive. So just stick with the default suggested folder and let Zotero Cloud take care of Syncing.