This Flickr account is a collection of more than 160.000 beautiful drawings and paintings of flora and fauna from all over the world. The collection is managed by The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) - the world’s largest open access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives. BHL is revolutionizing global research by providing free, worldwide access to knowledge about life on Earth.
Abstrakter af international litteratur om konservering og restaurering. Indeholder emnespecifikke bibliografier, forskningsprojekter mm.
Stort digitalt arkiv med over 1000 videnskabelige tidsskrifter og andet forskningsmateriale. Artikler i fuld tekst, primære kilder, billeder, plakater mm. ArtStor billeddatabase er pr. 1. august en del af Jstor
Publicly Available Content Database connects users to full text from publicly available scholarly content from thousands sources from around the world.